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Investing in Nature: BASIN is now part of TNFD Forum

A nature-positive future requires ecosystem function to be investable


Aspen, Colorado - January 16, 2024 - BASIN Natural Capital, a leading player in the world of natural capital and ecosystem services, is thrilled to announce its new membership in the TNFD Forum, a global platform committed to conserving and restoring nature for a sustainable future.

The TNFD Forum, a network of like-minded organizations, is dedicated to supporting the mission of the TNFD (Task Force on Nature-related Financial Disclosures) and contributing to the development of additional guidance to address the pressing issue of nature loss and its impact on society, business, and finance.

BASIN Natural Capital's inclusion in the TNFD Forum is a testament to its unwavering commitment to the protection and stewardship of ecosystems, which is at the core of their framework, RealValue: the Core Benefits of Natural Capital. This innovative framework provides for the "higher and better use of real assets" by correlating ecosystem service valuation with real asset values and the output of a natural capitalization rate for any polygon in the world across all ecosystem types.

The TNFD, with its mission to raise awareness about the critical importance of nature's assets and the services they provide, aligns perfectly with BASIN's vision. The global acceleration of nature loss is threatening our dependencies on these vital services, and taking action to conserve and restore nature has to be a paramount global priority. The Forum's collaborative effort will not only reduce risks to businesses and finance but also open up new commercial opportunities, competitive advantages, and investments, such as BASIN's Ensurance model.

BASIN's Ecological Ensurance, ensures long-term ecosystem protection via a financial model that protects, restores, and stewards ecosystem function and integrity perpetuity. Their dedication to safeguarding natural capital benefits partners, stakeholders, and society alike.

By joining the TNFD Forum, BASIN Natural Capital gains access to a wealth of benefits, including regular updates on the Taskforce's work, opportunities to contribute to the technical aspects of Taskforce Working Groups, and learning and capacity-building webinars to stay at the forefront of conservation efforts.

With 1,396 Forum Members representing 68 countries and territories across 87 sectors, and a combined AUM of $26.2 trillion and market cap of $19.4 trillion, the TNFD Forum stands as a powerful collective force for positive change.

The TNFD Forum members, including BASIN, are poised to make a significant impact on global efforts to conserve and restore nature and biodiversity, ensuring a sustainable future for generations to come.

For media inquiries, please contact:

Thomas Morgan (TMO)
BASIN Natural Capital
Phone: 970.618.4086
Email: tmo (at)

About BASIN Natural Capital

BASIN Natural Capital is a Colorado-based organization dedicated to making nature investable and protecting biocomplexity. They scale ecosystem restoration and conservation through real asset investment, aiming to safeguard and steward ecosystems perpetually. Their framework, RealValue: the Core Benefits of Natural Capital, incorporates ecosystem services valuation, biodiversity credits, and resilience certificates, focusing on 18 Core Benefits like Clean Air, Water, Soil Health, Climate Stability, Pollination, and more. For more information, visit

About the TNFD

The Task Force on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD) is on a mission to provide decision-makers in business and capital markets with better quality information through corporate reporting on nature. They aim to improve enterprise and portfolio risk management by offering robust information on nature-related issues, allowing businesses to incorporate nature-related risks and opportunities into their strategic planning, risk management, and asset allocation decisions. For more information, visit

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