Don't get us wrong. Trees are cool. And so is Regenerative Ag. But these two will not solve or stop climate change or biodiversity loss. They will help for sure, but are only a part of the puzzle.
BASIN looks for the levers. What lever if pulled makes an outsized impact?
The answers are often contrarian. When society says plant trees, we say "restore the beavers"! When politicians say "drain the swamp", we say "fill up the bogs"! When Rick Moranis says "Comb the Desert!", we say "don't step on the soil crust!".
Beavers, Biocrust, Bees & Bogs are just some examples of levers that have outsized impacts. Not just climate impacts, but holistic ecosystem and biodiversity impacts. Others include peatlands, mangroves, underground biomass, animal carbon, floodplains, deserts, algae, and 20+ other project types.
BASIN was built for precisely this.
See the entire BASIN Manifesto
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